How BIOBOND Media works for hydrogen sulphide removal

Biogas is made up of methane and carbon dioxide with traces of hydrogen sulphide in varying loads. Hydrogen Sulphide removal from biogas is essential in order to protect mechanical equipment, recover methane free from sulphides and reduce sulphur dioxide emissions during combustion.

BIOBOND Media is a metal oxide-based pellet which breaks down the Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) in Biogas, forming a non-hazardous compound and leaving a cleaner, less corrosive gas. Its performance is superior to other dry media solutions available on the market and costs much less.


The benefits of using BIOBOND Media over other dry media

  • Maintains performance levels in conditions of up to 100% relative humidity
  • Spent media is non-hazardous and easily disposable
  • Non-pyrophoric and non-flammable
  • Removes H2S in anaerobic and aerobic gas flows
  • Available in small quantities
  • Cheaper than any other media solutions on the market. Special trial price available on request.

Tailored specifically for use on Biogas

BIOBOND Media continues to perform in environments of high relative humidity

On leaving the digester, biogas has a high-water vapour content. Unlike other forms of porous media, BIOBOND Media is not affected by moisture. Where other media may fail, BIOBOND media will maintain excellent performance levels in environments up to 100% relative humidity.

BIOBOND Media is non-pyrophoic and safe from exothermic reaction

Its high methane content makes biogas flammable and if combined with air, can form an explosive gas mixture. BIOBOND Media is s non-pyrophoric and non-combustible material, providing a safer alternative in a potentially hazardous area.

BIOBOND Media can be disposed of easily or spread to land

BIOBOND Media removes H2S in a synthesised chemical reaction. The metal oxide pellet converts the hydrogen sulphide into iron sulphide and water. The spent media is non-hazardous and its rich iron content makes an excellent nutrient for soil.

BIOBOND Media can replace existing media without having to change a thing

You can simply switch to BIOBOND Media when your existing media expires. It can be added to any dry-media system without the need to change any existing process or equipment. It couldn’t be easier.

“We have been using Biobond Media for more than 12 months and it appears to be performing better and lasting longer than the activated carbon pellets that we were previously using. We have been very happy with the efficiency of the product in reducing our H2S levels over a prolonged period and the savings we have made by switching to BIOBOND Media.”



Start saving today and switch to BIOBOND Media for Hydrogen Sulphide Removal.

Special trial price only £949+VAT for your first cubic metre.

3 + 12 =

To find out more about replacing your
existing media with BIOBOND Media.
For full H2S removal systems see our
range of H2S dry media scrubbers.