Biogas Cooler, Grange Farm, UK

Client: RHJ Farms

Project summary: Biogas cooler

Project Scope

To reduce the relative humidity of biogas to less than 80% as specified by the CHP generator supplier.

Design Requirement

To reduce the temperature of 200m3/hr biogas flow by 20C and remove water from the biogas pipework


A tube/shell heat exchanger complete with an industrial water chiller to provide cold water for cooling and a condensate pot to collect an automatically discharge condensate was supplied. The heat exchanger and condensate pot are manufactured in 316SS.

The biogas cooler package was designed, manufactured and pressure tested at our Works. The cooler system was installed and commissioned by our own site installation team.


The biogas cooler reduced the biogas temperature. The temperature was then increased by the existing CHP gas booster thereby reducing the relative humidity of the gas enabling the engine to run more efficiently.

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