Biogas Siloxane Scrubber
Key Features:
- UK manufactured designs
- Cleaner less corrosive gas
- Increased engine life
- Small footprint
- Reduced maintenance cost
Siloxane in biogas is usually prominent in biogas generated from landfill or sewerage digestion sites. They are often generated by contaminants such as personal care products or lubricants.
The siloxanes convert to silicon dioxide as combustion takes place in the engine. Over a period of time a hard covering forms on the combustion surfaces which causes severe damage to your engine.
We use activated carbon media to absorb siloxanes from the biogas before they reach the engine. The activated carbon media is stored in holding tanks manufactured from either HDPE, stainless steel, or steel painted dependent on the application.
Single tank installations or lead/lag systems can be provided with all necessary interconnecting pipework.
A lead/lag system enables one tank to be taken off line without losing protection and possible downtime of the generator.
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Biogas Products Ltd
Unit 10 Cookley Wharf Industrial Estate
Leys Road
Brierley Hill
West Midlands